Oceanman Catholic

23/05/2025 - 25/05/2025

Oceanman is the most famous ocean swimming competition in the world.
From 23 to 25 May 2025 Oceanman stops in Cattolica

Departure and arrival at the race field in Piazza del Tramonto for this international event which today attracts over 25 nations represented by the participants of the main races: on the starting line, ready to compete in the waters of Cattolica, some of the athletes who will compete over the distances major ones (2, 5 and 10 km) but also many swimming enthusiasts and Catholics united by the desire to support the charitable cause.

There are also races dedicated to children and teams.

  • Oceanman - 10km
  • Half Oceanman - 5km
  • Sprint - 2km
  • Oceankids - 500m
  • Oceanteams - 3x500m

We are waiting for you!

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